Thursday, June 25, 2009

Response to My goodness by Nisi Shawl
^^Article Website^^

This article is her introduction. She talks about her babysitter when she was a little kid and about art and making choices and believing them to be the right ones. Nisi is amazing.

"And this is when my outrage starts to change, when I begin to cook my anger, to season it and control its temperature. My babysitter says, “Do you think that sheet cares what you’ve done to it? All you’ve done is hurt yourself.” She’s right. Anger alone accomplishes next to nothing. To change the world, anger needs art." -Nisi Shawl.

"They’re your choices, and they’re right. With this self-assurance, or soon after it has been achieved, comes the longing to share these choices with others, and out of this longing it is possible to develop the ability to do exactly that. And then the world can become different." -Nisi Shawl

I suggest you go to her site and read her blogs. She has some very intense blogs and really powerful ones. She knows how to express her feelings with powerful words and it all just makes you go "wow". She's my inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, where are the other posts? Has anything beenposted since this last one? Am I missing something? Remember,you are a writer, but you gotta write.

